Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events
Calvary Youth Valentine Night
Feb 12 @ 6:15PM
Youth join us for a Valentine-themed night.
Calvary Youth Ice Skaing
Feb 16 @ 1-3PM
Come out and enjoy some ice skating with the Youth Group.
Combined Night of Praise
Feb 16 @ 6:30PM
We'll combine with Ebenezer Bible Fellowship for singing and have a time of fellowship afterwards.
Pinball, Pizza & Wings
Men will be meeting in Frank's man-cave for a classic fellowship combo: Pinball, Pizza & Wings!
Christian Ethics Conference
Feb 22@9AM
Cedar Crest Bible Fellowship Church is hosting the Christian Ethics in a Post-Christian World Conference. Click the details buttons for more information and registration.
Ladies Breakfast
Mar 1 @ 8:30AM
Ladies, come out of the cold and enjoy the warmth with us! Please join the women of Calvary for a hot, delicious breakfast, some words of encouragement and a time of fellowship.
Calvary Youth & Young Adults Hockey
Mar 16 @ 2:30PM
Youth and Young Adults, join us for faith night at the PPL Center for some Lehigh Valley Phantoms Hockey!
Ladies Spring Retreat
Apr 11-13
Ladies join us at Spruce Lake Retreat for a weekend of digging into God's word, fun and fellowship. Registration opens January 5.
Calvary Youth Secret Church
Apr 11 @ 7PM
Calvary Youth join us for a step-by-step 6-hour journey through the life of Jesus in the book of Matthew will reveal a clear answer to that question "So how do we make our lives count?"
Calvary Youth Mission Kentucky
Jul 27-Aug 2
Students, come be apart of the mission to serve, evangelize, and grow in discipleship and leadership!